This blog post shows the basics of using the WSO2 Developer Studio to develop a JAX-WS. After creating the web service, you can write web services clients that use the web service on a network. Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) , which is also known as JSR-224, is the next generation Web services programming model that extends the foundation provided by the Java API for XML-based RPC (JAX-RPC) programming model. Using JAX-WS, developing Web services and clients is simplified with greater platform independence for Java applications by the use of dynamic proxies and Java annotations. Apache CXF is an open source web service framework that provides an easy to use, standard-based programming model for developing web services. Web services can be implemented using different application protocols like SOAP, XML, JSON, RESTful HTTP, and support various transport protocols like HTTP or JMS. WSO2 Developer Studio (formerly named WSO2 Carbon Studio) is a complete Eclipse-based ...
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