Hello World using OpenCL
I've recently acquired a new laptop with an API Radeon GPU. I'm always interested in HPC and how it is used in various industries and research areas. I had experience with MPI/OpenMP earlier but not got a chance to look into GPU style frameworks such as CUDA or OpenCL. I've a lot of free time these days, so I studied some online tutorials and got a little bit familiar with OpenCL and it's very interesting to me.
I'm using AMD's APP SDK 2.9 for my work, my first OpenCL code as below, it can be compiled using gcc with -lOpenCL
I'm using AMD's APP SDK 2.9 for my work, my first OpenCL code as below, it can be compiled using gcc with -lOpenCL
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <CL/cl.h> const char source[] = " \ __kernel void hello( __global char* buf, __global char* buf2 ){ \ int x = get_global_id(0); \ buf2[x] = buf[x]; \ }"; int main() { char buf[]="Hello, World!"; char build_c[4096]; size_t srcsize, worksize=strlen(buf); cl_platform_id platform; cl_device_id device; cl_uint platforms, devices; /* Fetch the Platforms, we only want one. */ clGetPlatformIDs(1, &platform, &platforms); /* Fetch the Devices for this platform */ clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 1, &device, &devices); /* Create a memory context for the device we want to use */ cl_context_properties properties[]={CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM, (cl_context_properties)platform,0}; cl_context context=clCreateContext(properties, 1, &device, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* Create a command queue to communicate with the device */ cl_command_queue cq = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, 0, NULL); const char *src=source; srcsize=strlen(source); const char *srcptr[]={src}; /* Submit the source code of the kernel to OpenCL, and create a program object with it */ cl_program prog=clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, srcptr, &srcsize, NULL); /* Compile the kernel code (after this we could extract the compiled version) */ clBuildProgram(prog, 0, NULL, "", NULL, NULL); /* Create memory buffers in the Context where the desired Device is. These will be the pointer parameters on the kernel. */ cl_mem mem1, mem2; mem1=clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, worksize, NULL, NULL); mem2=clCreateBuffer(context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, worksize, NULL, NULL); /* Create a kernel object with the compiled program */ cl_kernel k_hello=clCreateKernel(prog, "hello", NULL); /* Set the kernel parameters */ clSetKernelArg(k_hello, 0, sizeof(mem1), &mem1); clSetKernelArg(k_hello, 1, sizeof(mem2), &mem2); /* Create a char array in where to store the results of the Kernel */ char buf2[sizeof buf]; buf2[0]='?'; buf2[worksize]=0; /* Send input data to OpenCL */ clEnqueueWriteBuffer(cq, mem1, CL_FALSE, 0, worksize, buf, 0, NULL, NULL); /* Tell the Device, through the command queue, to execute que Kernel */ clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(cq, k_hello, 1, NULL, &worksize, &worksize, 0, NULL, NULL); /* Read the result back into buf2 */ clEnqueueReadBuffer(cq, mem2, CL_FALSE, 0, worksize, buf2, 0, NULL, NULL); /* Await completion of all the above */ clFinish(cq); /* Finally, output the result */ puts(buf2); }
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